Khalid warns Khir Toyo of new ‘revelations’

IJOK: Datuk Seri Dr Mohd Khir Toyo could be opening a can of worms with his allegations over the purchase of 46 cows, his successor as Selangor Mentri Besar, Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim, has warned.

“Once the Officials Secrets Act (OSA) tag is removed from documents, the darkest secrets regarding the state opposition chief Dr Khir Mohd Toyo will come to light,” he said.

“Several letters on the issuance of land (to certain parties), on the allocation of contracts and even the purchase of cows for the former Barisan Nasional state government for Aidiladha by firms involved in the gaming industry, will be revealed,” he added.[read more]

Nak tengok jawa kencing dalam seluar ..... wakakakak !!!
Wak e ..... kepoyoh njeru sual?


Wakdee said...

nang njero sual ejek ono opo orah. mboh mboh wes orak ono

radenjowo said...

Ejek ono, tapi wes djadji cilik.
Mangan tempe akeh banget !!!
Wakakakak !!!

Jowo ... jowo .... Wakakak!!!

mangchikla said...

Muakakakak.woiiii cakap Jepon la senang sket pakai google translate , jawa takde muakakakakakakakaka