Rafaie kesal dengan sikap beberapa pimpinan PAS seolah-olah 'tidak tahu menahu' apa yang sedang terjadi. Dua Exco ini dikatakan sudah dikuarantin di rumah Najib Tun Razak di Pekan, Pahang. Namun timbul kecurigaan melampau, bagaimana SPRM boleh dibabitkan?
Dua Exco ini, mengikut sumber adalah dua Adun dan Exco Perak yang akan melompat ke BN malam ini atau pada masa terdekat. Sementara Nasharuddin Hashim ditawarkan oleh Najib Tun Razak menjadi Menteri Besar Perak yang baru sekiranya BN kembali berkuasa. Ini menjadikan tiga Adun PKR yang akan melompat, kata sumber itu tanpa menolak kemungkinan ia akan diikuti oleh dua Adun DAP yang dikatakan bermasalah. [read more]
This is what I wrote in DSAI's blog.
Even if these two go away due to Umno’s buying, the state govt will remain intact. furthermore, PR and PKR will not lose any credibility. Bota Adun doesn’t have a corruption case unlike the two PKR Aduns and them joining Umno without clearing thier names spells doom for a corruption ridden Umno. Anyway, since you have got Bota Adun, 2 vs 1, so you lose one and not two. That remains 30 vs 29. It can be risky but there seems to be some Umno Aduns who want seats and jobs. Give them jobs (Excos) and replace one DAP Adun as well. So raise the Malay representation by one more Adun through DAP seat. They need to understand and they will, I’m sure.
Personally, as a PKR man, I prefer elections. I have no doubt in my mind that PKR and PR will win outright. I have been doing some research and I came to know that should there be an election today, all the PR candidates, mainly from PKR and PAS who lost the seats marginally but lost in big manner in 2004 will gain seats. There is no single Umno Adun in Perak who increasd his/her vote in 2004. None! Everyone lost thousands. With all PR MPs and Aduns from the 4 other states digging for a Pakatan win in Perak while Umno is going into an election in March, you are assured of a fantastic win and we will work hard, very hard indeed. Should you recapture the state via a popular will, that will be the end of Umno. Please meet all PR leaders, Ustaz Hadi Awang and DAP Supremo and seriously evaluate this issue and see if we should go for an election. Then MB Nizar will dissolve the state parliament and get permission from the Sultan. That will be the coup of the century. DSAI, we are ready and we assure you Perak will be recaptured like KT and with a bigger PKR and PAS Malay Aduns. Mark my words. Dissolve the state Parliament now. PAS and PKR lost some seats with few hundrdes, of course by then the Malays weren’t awaken and the Chinese were suspicious of PKR and PAS. Now both the Malays and the Chinese and Indians who form large habitats in Perak know much more they need to know. That will be the final verdict on Umno and Najis Rosak. I wish I was Nizar, I would dissolve the DUN next week after meeting all PR leaders and strategists. Of course UMNO will say PKR and PAS have betrayed the Malays and DAP is ruling the state. That will be countered and explained by us and the Malays know that the land was given to them more than the Chinese got. Furthermore, Umno will lose all the seats it won over PAS and unknown PKR candidates due to non-Malay vote and they are almost 13 seats. Prepare your canidates today and go for an election and I’m sure you will win.
sdra abdullah
satu cadangan yang baik dan perlu diberi pertimbangan serius oleh pemimpin ketiga-tiga parti komponen PR.
Mungkin ini satu strategi hasil dari pemikiran diluar kotak yang boleh memerangkap BN khususnya UMNO(Baru).
Satu perkara yang perlu diberi pertimbangan adalah pandangan sultan perak. Baginda telah menggunakan kuasanya untuk membolehkan PR menubuhkan kerajaan negeri selepas mac 08. Juga banyak membantu untuk menyelesaikan masaalah penubuhan kerajaan PR.
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