[...]To the 523 Malaysian Indians in KT, let you be the civil servants, but be driven by what is good for the Malaysian society beyond Kuala Trengganu collectively. Makkal Sakhti is about the desire of the people to have equality and fairness in a system by initiating a change not a protracted effort by the UMNO warlords against natural law and justice.
HINDRAF would take a stand that hold true for the sake of the Malaysian society, that PAS candidate in KT should be voted in and elected into Parliament to show that we the minorities look to PAS as our brethren for an equal and fair society in Malaysia irrespective of our race, religion, following or creed for the goodwill of the nation. We urge all 523 Malaysian Indian voters in Kuala Terengganu to vote for the PAS candidate. [read more]
bagus lah sebab Hindraf dan pas sama kluk klek
wakakakak ....
Orang UMNO taiping tak nak joint sekali ke?
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