10" size shoes for BUSH

welt |
The shoes missed their target about 15 feet (4.5 metres) away. One sailed over Bush’s head as he stood next to Maliki and smacked into the wall behind him. Bush smiled uncomfortably and Maliki looked strained.

"It doesn’t bother me,“ Bush said, urging everyone to calm down as a ruckus broke out in the conference room.

When asked about the incident shortly after, Bush made light of it. "I didn’t feel the least threatened by it,“ he said.

Other Iraqi journalists apologised on behalf of their colleague, a television journalist. more
Lapuran lain,

[...]In an eyewitness account of the shoe-throwing incident, Modest Bee reporter Adam Ashton reports that Bush and Maliki had just finished their speeches and were preparing to take questions from the Iraqi media, who "have never had a chance to ask a question to the American president" when "the shoes started flying." - huffingtonpost

1 comment:

mangchikla said...

"It doesn’t bother me,“ muakaakkak ..den tengok muke die pucat tadi. Bukan orang arab mencik kat si "Semak" nih, 'Sojar' die pun tak minat ngan die, tak dapek den nulong, wakaakakakakakakakk